Great stuff Cody! - your certificate awarded for some fantastic efforts with your creative writing along with displaying a top attitude towards everything here at Balmacewen.
Welcome to the room 13 blog page, here you will find notices, class happenings, student work and photos, so save this site as a favourite and visit regularly!!
Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.
"Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up." R. Jessie James.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Week 4 Assembly Award - Cody
Great stuff Cody! - your certificate awarded for some fantastic efforts with your creative writing along with displaying a top attitude towards everything here at Balmacewen.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Olivia - NZ Junior National Swimming Champs
Last Friday I traveled to Wellington. I was swimming in the Junior Nationals. At this meet I swam in 100m Freestyle, 50m Freestyle, 50m Butterfly, 50m Backstroke and represented Otago in a relay team. My best individual placing was my 50m Freestyle race. I came 12th in New Zealand! and did a new PB of 30:65 for this event. My relay team came 5th in New Zealand which was great. I enjoyed this meet very much and went there for an experience and came back with exactly that.
Written by Olivia
Monday, February 21, 2011
Balmacewen Powhiri 2011 By Cody and Ngaru
On the 13th Of February Balmacewen Intermediate gathered in the school hall for the Powhiri.
Powhiri means welcoming the year 7 students and any new staff into the school of Balmacewen, this is done by the year 8s. There was a haka to welcome the year 7s into the hall.
After the haka Mr Hunter the Principal did a speech to the school and then a year 8 and a year 7 spoke to everyone. After the speech the year 8s sang a waiata to the year 7s then the year 7s sang back to the year 8’s.Then we ended with a hongi and some Kai sharing which was some biscuits. We had then successfully welcomed the year 7 students into our school and we are now one big school community.
Written by Ngaru and Cody.
Friday, February 18, 2011
House Captains and Group Leaders for 2011
Lynn House Captain - Aaron Roydhouse
Lynn Group Leaders - Sam Kilsby, Anna Lindsay & Emma Ward
Chapman House Captain - Maddison Crawford
Chapman Group Leader - Olivia Gold
Highgate House Captain - Abby Hubbard
Surf Life Saving Competiton - By Maddison Crawford
Last weekend at Warrington beach I competed in the "Southern Regions Ocean Athletes". This is a surf life saving competition for all the surf clubs in the South Island. This event is held over two days. On the first day all the individual events are held and on day two are all the team events. Saturday was a good day as I got placings in all my events.Sunday was also good but the weather did not hold out and the sea turned rough. That still did not stop me!!! My next event was run swim run, as I came out of the water I could here the girl's breath behind me and could see every one screaming at me to run.With every thing I had left I sprinted down the finish line and came first. Next up was the board relay I was the last Board paddler and as I ran out of the water my team was first.Just to top that at the end of the day the St Clair Club (my club)won the event. Next Wednesday I go to the National Surf Lifesaving Champs in Mt Manganui. It will be tough competition but will do my best and hopefully come home with some medals!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Mufti Day - Wednesday 16th Feb!
Monday, February 14, 2011

At last week’s Meet the Teacher night we outlined the web based mathletics programme that we would like to sign our students onto for this year. Some classes trialled this programme last year including Lisa Shea and myself and the benefit of this to our students was huge with great improvements shown by the students throughout the year. I strongly recommend signing your child onto this programme. As parents we are always looking for ways we can support our child’s learning.
What is it?
A web based online programme that your child and you can access at any time. The students have their own unique log in and password and parents can also register to monitor their child’s progress.
They would be using this to reinforce concepts covered in class as the teacher can set activities to complement the classroom programme. They would be using it as part of their maths rotation over a typical week in class. It provides instant feedback, enjoyment of maths, plus online tutorials and ability to select activities to challenge or reinforce their learning. There is also a live online game where they can challenge other students from all over the world in the speed, accuracy and recall of their basic facts. This can also be set by teachers to match the level of the individual student.
To sign up as an individual it would cost you up to $100 for the year. We can sign our classes onto mathletics for $30.00 per student for the whole year.
You could visit the website to have a look Please return the slip that has come home wiht the notice (Monday 14th Feb)below to me at school. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Assembly Award Week 2 - Will
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Class Council
Friday, February 4, 2011
Week 1 Assembly Award - James
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 1 Term 1

Well day one has flown by and it has been great to meet everyone who is part of the room 13 team for the year. Your homework task for tomight is to respond to the letter I have written you. Tell me a bit about yourself, things you enjoy, things you find difficult and things you wan to achieve this year. Do you have any other talents we didn't find out about today? I look forward reading you letters and learning more about you and helping you achieve your goals throughout the year. Your letters are due to me on Thursday morning, thanks.