At last week’s Meet the Teacher night we outlined the web based mathletics programme that we would like to sign our students onto for this year. Some classes trialled this programme last year including Lisa Shea and myself and the benefit of this to our students was huge with great improvements shown by the students throughout the year. I strongly recommend signing your child onto this programme. As parents we are always looking for ways we can support our child’s learning.
What is it?
A web based online programme that your child and you can access at any time. The students have their own unique log in and password and parents can also register to monitor their child’s progress.
They would be using this to reinforce concepts covered in class as the teacher can set activities to complement the classroom programme. They would be using it as part of their maths rotation over a typical week in class. It provides instant feedback, enjoyment of maths, plus online tutorials and ability to select activities to challenge or reinforce their learning. There is also a live online game where they can challenge other students from all over the world in the speed, accuracy and recall of their basic facts. This can also be set by teachers to match the level of the individual student.
To sign up as an individual it would cost you up to $100 for the year. We can sign our classes onto mathletics for $30.00 per student for the whole year.
You could visit the website to have a look www.mathletics.co.nz. Please return the slip that has come home wiht the notice (Monday 14th Feb)below to me at school. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
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