Well Term 1 has flown by! We have had lots of interesting things going on here and students have worked well on all tasks and challenges set to them. It has been great to see so many students getting involved in sports teams, music lessons, writing extension and other extra opportunities here at Balmacewen. I have enjoyed seeing the very creative pieces of work relating to our recent Sea Creature Creations and Octopus Homes. Term 2 will be another busy one....with 2 of our key events listed here...
Our Class Camp to Berwick in Week 4 (23rd-27th May). If you haven't received the notice that was sent home the other day with some introductory information and a slip looking for helpers - check the bottom of school bags over the holidays for remains of this notice and other notices, or alternatively you can view copies here on the blog.
Science Fair.....for many these two words will bring on some stress from the memory of the year 7 Science Fair!! Last year there were some great pieces of work for Year 7 Science Fair. This year students will be building on skills they have developed and learnt from last year's work. Over the holidays is a good time to have a think about ideas that may be of interest for students to use for their science fair work. The hardest part of the Science fair is finding an idea to investigate and use for their work. I will be giving guidance and support especially in terms of organisation and time management throughout the term to ensure everyone is on track and doesn't end up running out of time/doing an all weekend effort the week before things are due! - More info on Science Fair early next term.
I hope all students are able to enjoy some time out over the break and come back recharged for a successful Term 2.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the successes of the class programme this term. I have appreciated the help that has been given on class trips this term and look forward to working with you and your Son/Daughter all again in Term 2.
Andrew Sloan
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