On Wednesday the 6th of July Balmacewen had the Southland Sports exchange. This is when Gouthland girls vs. the Balmac girls and the Southland Boys vs. the Balmac Boys. This year we went down to Invercargill. I was playing in the girls Hockey team. We were split into two groups of buses. We were just going down the Balclutha Bridge. While we were going down the bridge a truck was coming at us the other way, it was over the middle line and its side mirror tipped the driver’s window, causing the window to shatter and fly out all through the bus. We drove to a glass fitters shop and they replaced the window. We carried on driving and finally we arrived at Southland Girls at about 11.00am.
All the hockey people walked round to the hockey turf as it is about a 5 minute walk. We got all warmed up and ready. We started at 11.30am. We were playing 25 minute halves. Balmac scored the first goal, they then scored. About 1 minute into half time they got a goal, we started to get worried but it was okay because we scored. With about 10 minutes to go we got a goal, it was really pro, Isabelle flicked the ball up into the top right hand corner; it should have been a goal but the refs called it as a dangerous pass. They actually did a wrong call though as it is only dangerous to hit it high if you do it out into the field. The final score was 2 all. We had afternoon tea of pizza, sausages and chocolate cake. The bus ride back to Dunedin was really fun and we got back at about 6.15. It was a great day and we all had heaps of fun and played lots of quality sport.
By Anna Lindsay
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