Some things to think about...

Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.

"Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up." R. Jessie James.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Design a Home for an Octopus...

It is great to see ideas flowing and the creativity of many students. Your "Home for an Octopus" needs to be well designed to care for and contain your Octopus. remember you will need to explain all the detail and logic behind your design and model. All Octopus Homes are due to be presented on Friday 1st April.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Week 7 Assembly Award - Ngaru

Well done Ngaru for receiving this weeks award in Assembly. Your certificate was awarded for a fantastic effort with your writing unit and for consistently showing and using good manners in the classroom. Great Stuff!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Balmacewen Swimming Sports Results

Well done to everyone who competed in the school swimming sports today. It was great to see so many people giving ti their best and supporting each other. from all of heats students qualified for the finals and room 13 had some students who were placed in their finals events - Aaron Roydhouse - 2nd 25m Backstroke Olivia Gold - 1st 50m freestyle, 1st 50m Breaststroke, 1st 50m Backstroke Anna Lindsay - 3rd 50m Freestyle, 4th 50m Breaststroke, 4th 50m Backstroke Final House Point results (everyone who swam earned points for their house, extra points awarded for places in events) 1st CHAPMAN - 739 2nd LYNN - 635 3rd HIGHGATE 555 4th SHETLAND 536

Thursday, March 10, 2011

School Swimming Sports Friday 11th March

Remember to pack a good lunch and make your way directly to the pool on Friday morning. You will need to be outside the pool at 8.45am to get your name checked off and ready to race!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 5 Assembly Award - Abby

A great role model - showing manners and a great attitude and effort in all learning gained Abbey recognition at this weeks Assmebly, well done keep it up!

WAVES - Magazine Cover - James Nind

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Red and Black Mufti Day - Friday 4th - $$ for Canterbury Earthquake Appeal

Remember to come along in all of your red and balck gear tomorrow for our school mufti day to help raise some funds for the CHCH Earthquake Appeal Fund

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Art Gallery Trip

Below are a few pics from our trip to the Art Gallery this morning. We worked with John the Art teacher there to create some images of life under the sea. As well as the creating we were given a little tour around to get us inspired and thinking about the messages in different works of art.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood and the Shark! - Shaan Kumar

Once upon a time there was a girl named little red riding hood because her grandmother had once knitted her a little red coat that she adored so much that she wore it every day and night. Unfortunately red’s grandmother had fallen into the deep dark ocean just a day ago. No one knew where she was and if she had survived because after all, she always carried an oxygen tank with her that would last about 5 days!
“Red!” Reds mother yelled out “I need you to go look for grandma”
Red was also really good with swimming. Sometimes she was called aqua red instead of red. “Ok ma” Little red riding hood said as she started skipping of towards the ocean.

Reds mother was just about to tell her to not talk to any strangers but then she stopped herself. Who would she meet in the middle of the ocean anyway?

So ,little red stet of on her journey and headed out to the ocean on a very little row boat and only carried 4 things, 2 oars, scuba gear and a oxygen pump for when she had to jump into the ocean. After about 5 minutes red decide to jump into the water to look for grandma and with a splash, she was in the ocean. Suddenly it struck her ‘if I find grandma I’m going to need to give her something’ Just then she saw a shark coming towards her! Not knowing what a shark was she kindly greeted him with a “hello”
Seeing that red was not afraid the shark was stunned.
“Excuse me but do you know if there is anything here I can get for my grandma?” Red asked. “You’re grandma? Where does she live?” The shark answered seizing the opportunity for tasty meal. “She swam around these part’s, probably making a house of rock because she was good at that” red answered. “Look there are some dutiful coral leaves in the corner over there that I am sure you’re grandma will love!” The shark said. Red looked absolutely delighted and swam over to the coral leaves and tucked them under her shoulder. Red turned around and saw a house made of rock! She had found her grandma! She knocked on the door. “Come in dear” Said a rough voice as she walked inside. “Oh what a strange voice you have” “Just my voice box going old dear” “Oh what sharp teeth you have” “just all the rocks I’ve had to eat” “Oh what strange hair you have” “The sea make’s me bald darling” and with that little red riding hood kicked him as hard as she could and raced over to the cupboard where grandma was tied up in and grabbed both of them and bring them up to the tiny row boat. Since the shark was not in the water it suffocated and died. Red had saved herself and her grandma plus they had a delicious meal that night, Shark!