Some things to think about...

Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.

"Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up." R. Jessie James.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

THE CONFIDENCE COURSE Berwick Camp - byOlivia Gold

Time flied by as I conquered the confidence course, over, under and through obstacles I went.

As Anna and I began at the starting point, I quickly started to enjoy myself. Balancing over the rails then restlessly climbing my way up the staggered tyres, then I made way along two wires a fair width apart. Next I clambered along two wires, criss-cross with each other. This took some time as the wire lowered, lower and lower until you gave yourself a wire burn on the underside of your legs. After I balanced over a long wire with a rope to hold your weight. I then swung from tyre to tyre nearly falling off, along some wire then some more wire, then a couple of logs which you had to walk across but the catch was that they were not stable. Up a tunnel of tyres which dripped water as you eventually clambered up them, over high moving steps which became slippery after a while. You then came across a log high above the ground that you had to balance across. Next came some bars that became quite slippery after a while, then you had to make your way over another long line of wire, I then casually made my way up some wooden stairs across another long line of wire then I made my way down a knotted rope which kind of gave me a bit of a wedgy. Next up the “NUT CRACKER”

I swung across the nut cracker, hanging onto a very fat rope, hoping not to let go. I landed on the net gripping with all my might I then swung the rope back to the next person in line to conquer the nut cracker. I then journeyed my way up the rope wall over the fat log. I then army rolled my way over the top net trying not to stare down, down, down to ground. After I then made my way down a wall of tyres that jiggled when you clambered down them. Next I balanced over wooden planks that were in the shape of an “X”. I then ran to the next obstacle, climbing up a wooden ladder that I found quite slippery, through a rope net that squeezed you up tightly, it helped if you knew how to perform breast stroke! I then walked across wooden stools, balanced over another wooden plank, across another line of wire and another then up a wooden pole that lead to a high line of wire, I walked slowly across the fine line of wire and finally down a large, fat, fireman’s pole.

We then all finished with heaps of burns, cuts and bruises but with smiles on our faces ready for a new start tomorrow.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 5 Term 2

Well there are still a few tired looking faces this morning after our busy week at Berwick Camp last week. It was a fantastic week that had everyone involved in a range of activities and adventures. I am sure there will be many lasting memories and stories from this camp. This week in the class we are working on many follow up tasks from camp. Please check back here soon for some photos and stories of our time at camp!! There are still a few pieces of lost property here at school left over from camp, so if you are still missing some gear have a look here in the classroom. Once again thank you to all of those who were able to help out wiht our camp.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mega Math Month Improvements...

Well we are continuing to show improvements in our Mega Math Testing. Last Friday our class average was 85.8% and Today our average was 86.1 - a small improvement but still improvement! Our final Friday test will be next week at camp, so that may bring some challenges to students after a busy few days of action before this!!

Week 3 Term 2 Assembly Award - Olivia

Well done to Olivia for receiving this weeks assembly award. received for a Super effort and focus on her Science Fair. Super progress here Olivia!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Assembly Award Week 2 Term 2

Well Done Jaydon, your efforts and attitude in the classroom over the last 2 weeks has been great. A super affort with things despite having the annoyance of a broken arm!

Maggi Kitchen Show Down

Well I was treated to a pretty tasty lunch on Friday when Sam and his group for the Maggi Schools Kitchen Show down gave me a taste test of their creation. The recipe has been designed by Sam and has been prepared and cooked by him and his team. It consisted of Lamb Coftas, Pumpkin Croquettes and a tasty salad. A supr treat, I'll be keen to give any more feed back on their creation int eh coming weeks and think they will do well in this competition. They are now one of the 30 chosen teams to continue in the competition, you can follow the link here to read more about the competition. Good Luck Team Balmac! Mr Sloan.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Science and Technology Fair 2011

It seems that everyone is making some great efforts in selecting an idea and devising some sort of question/inquiry or invention to carry their work out on for Science Fair. We have been having some great discussions in class and it is great to see so many students motivated to get stuck into their work on this. Remember that there is plenty of time to complete this as long as people stick to the time line we are working to for the steps here at school. If any one is reall ystucka dn struggling to get things going we can discuss and help them with ideas.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Berwick Camp - Consent & Health Profile Sheets

Please find copies of the Camp Consent and Health Profile sheets available for downloading on the right hand bar of this page. It is very inportant that these are completed and returned to school asap. There have been hard copies sent home in bags today (Friday 6th May)so check the bags!!

Mega May Math Multiplication Month....Marvellous Movements!!!!

A Fantastic start to our Maths Multiplication Focus. Our baseline testing on Monday had the class showing an average of 71 for the 100 times tables. With some focused work on these tables and a bit more of a brain wake up from holidays our class average score for today was 82!!! A fantastic result, the challenge is to be able to continue to show improvements over the coming weeks so keep working hard!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Science Fair Projects from the past...

Here are some previous science fair projects that have caught my eye, take a look at the topics and presentation of these, it may help spark some inspiration for your work this term!!...