I jumped out of the van filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves. This was it, the big game, the game we lost last year 16-0, this time round it was different, we were going to win.
We did a big Balmacewen cheer before going through the doors. We were going to just walk straight through the doors but the lady at reception stopped us and made us say hello. Some of the girls were already changed but I wasn’t so I quickly got changed and raced up the stairs. The game was due to start at 11.00am but it was only 10.30am so we had plenty of time to warm up.
Seeing as we were the first ones there we had to set everything up, we got the goals from outside and put them in the water and then we got the scoreboard out and set that up. By then it was about 10.45am so we did a bit of a stretch and then swam some lengths of the dive pool to warm up. Ben and Michael (our coaches) arrived and they took us through some drills, like shooting, passing, catching and attacking (stealing the ball off them).
Our opponents had arrived and they were doing their warm up. We got out of the pool and got ready. Caps done up tightly, (and we were also wearing two pairs of togs as they are really rough and normally pull your togs down). We had a little pep talk and then the first seven got into position. Brianna was swimming off and I was beside her as we are two of the fastest in the first seven.
The whistle blew and we were off. They were good, really good; they gave us a bit of a run for our money. The game went so fast, it felt like it was over so quickly. But as they called the final whistle boy can I tell you what an amazing feeling it was. We had won, we did it. We were all so excited, we were screaming and everything. The final score was 7-3 to us. It was so exciting. We jumped out of the pool to do our cheer, Maddie called as she has the loudest voice ever. After that we lined up and shook hands with them.
The boys were already in the water warming up so we got our towels and went up to sit on the diving boards. We watched and screamed encouragement to the boys who actually didn’t need it as they were winning by a long shot. Their total score was 13-0.
We all went and got changed and on the ride back to school we were thinking how proud we were of everyone and how good we have gotten since last year and how happy we were to have beaten those red shoed southlanders.
By Anna Lindsay.
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